BSCP - Bolivian Street Children Project
BSCP stands for Bolivian Street Children Project
Here you will find, what does BSCP stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Bolivian Street Children Project? Bolivian Street Children Project can be abbreviated as BSCP What does BSCP stand for? BSCP stands for Bolivian Street Children Project. What does Bolivian Street Children Project mean?Bolivian Street Children Project is an expansion of BSCP
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Alternative definitions of BSCP
- Bovine Spinal Cord Protein
- Banco Santander Consumer Portugal
- Brilliant Study Centre Pala
- Brotherhood Of Sleeping Car Porters
- Biomedical Science Careers Project
- British Society for Clinical Psychophysiology
- Biomedical Sciences Career Program
View 18 other definitions of BSCP on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- BNSLNE Bosque Nublado Santa Lucia of Nanegal, Ecuador
- BPA Bosque Protector Arutam
- BKMCP Brahma Kumaris - Meditation Center of Peru
- BCT-Peru British Community Trust in Aid of Peruvian Street Children
- BFNGO Bureau Forum NGOs
- BP Badminton klub "Pancevo"
- BDRTVNSM Bahtalo Drom - RTV Nisava, Serbia and Montenegro
- BCSDN Balkan Civil Society Development Network
- BENA Balkan Environmental Association
- BPU Balkan Physical Union
- BaSS Balkan Stomatological Society
- BS Balkan Sunflowers
- BSA Balkan Sunflowers, Albania
- BS:KRR Balkan Sunflowers: Kosovo Refugee Relief
- BUON Balkan Union of Oncology
- B Balkanika
- BSFJP Belgian Survival Fund Joint Programme
- BC Benedictine Confederation
- BN Benedictine Nuns
- BESAF BESA Foundation